Thursday, February 4, 2010

After perhaps the best month in my life, where I journaled consistently, I feel compelled to write on a daily basis about life and what God has done for me. Perhaps not everything will get published in a blog, because some things are better said between you and God, and some things need to be hashed out with friends, but Regardless, I feel great about doing this, and setting a new tone for this year, growing off the experience I have had in the Galapagos and Ecuador for the past month.

· February 3, 2010 – Isaiah 45:2 – “I will go out before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.”

  • I like me some basketball analogies, and after reading Bill Simmons gushing over Moses Malone and how he went after rebounds with reckless abandon, this is how I am picturing God at the moment. I am at the top of the so-called spiritual mountain, I have seen some spectacular things. God has come through for me in so many ways in the past month it is unfathomable. And to me, this verse just personifies (which doesn’t work when describing God, but you get it) what is going on in my life. He’s just blazing a trail for me in life, and it feels great. I know I will come down off this mountain at some point, probably even soon, but right now I’m just trying to soak it in and appreciate it.

· February 4, 2010 – Oswald Chambers – Nov 30 – “There is only one relationship that really matters, and that is your personal relationship to your personal Redeemer and Lord.”

  • It is tough to look at this verse, because there is part of me that is always looking into what my actions look like from other’s perspective. Maybe God wants me to let that go a little, so I can go hard after Him instead.
  • I’m beginning to come off the mountain a little bit. My car won’t start, and I got to find a mechanic now to fix the issue. I’m beginning to tell the same story too many times. I just have to keep looking through the pictures to remind myself how blessed I was, and use it in my semester as fuel.

· February 5, 2010 – Proverbs 24:26 – “An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.”

  • Maybe this verse stuck out to me because it is an easy one for me to follow. I think God still wants me to use tact in my conversations, but not necessarily always hold my tongue.

On to more secular things.

At some point, when I figure out how, I will try to post some pictures on here from my trip to the Galapagos and Ecuador. But since most of you that follow me know about my trip already, I'll go to all the things you don't want to know but I want to tell you about.

Books over the last 2 months

  • The Alchemist - A good book, short, but interesting. A little different feel than I am used to, but it was a good change of pace from the usual.
  • Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis) - I read this book when I was 17, and most of the stuff just went straight over my head, as much as I don't like to admit it. I was in a different place, and had little patience for C.S. Lewis' philosophical words and writing. I never even finished it the first time and what a shame, because the second half of the book is the best. I am continually amazed at how humbled you can be by C.S. Lewis' writings. Probably one of the main points I took away from the book is how silly comparing yourself to others is. God has given us each different temperaments and abilities. Just because you are a 'nicer' person than some crab down the street, doesn't mean that God looks at you with any more favor. If God has given you an even temperament and optimistic outlook, don't pat yourself on the back and take credit for what God has given you. Go out and do something with it. For whom much is given, much is expected I believe the bible says somewhere.
  • The Appeal (John Grisham) - This was my first John Grisham book, and I would have to say, I wasn't overly impressed. It's easy reading, don't get me wrong. But there weren't many twists. I'll give him another shot, but I am underwhelmed thus far by his writing.
  • Black Angel (John Connelly) - In process - I'm about half way through this book now, and I got to find another copy. Really interesting thriller book. I would recommend it thus far.
  • The Book of Basketball (Bill Simmons) - In process - This book has been everything I was hoping for. I feel like I have a great background for the game that I love now, and have a better understanding of the pros that made the game the way it is today, and the teams that were the best of the best. I even have learned a little about my '71 Bucks. You'll like this book if you really, really love the NBA. If not, you'll probably find it all a bit boring.
More to come on my sports teams and such later on. It's too late now to keep on keeping on. Sorry for the delay for any of those who still look to read this thing.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff. C.S. Lewis is mindbogglingly good at putting complex theology into word-pictures and analogies. His interpretation always seems to make a lot of sense. I'm always curious when people write about those topics how close they actually are. Every pastor will have a different perspective, and every one makes pretty good sense, so it can be pretty hard to discern who's actually thinking about it the right way. (Simple answer: probably none of them.)

    Anyway, keep up the journaling. My motivation for such things has waned considerably, and I need to give it another shot. Wake up, class, homework, TV, sleep is an easy rut to fall into.
