Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Here goes nothing!

What a blessing living in Grand Rapids has been. I could not have asked for anything more. As I sit in my new family room near Chattanooga, TN, I can recall my memories fondly. But I'm not a memories guy, I'm more of a relationships guy, I've come to find. And there is nothing else I could ask for in that department than what I got.

Coming out of high school, my crew was pretty one-dimensional. I love them to death and still am in contact with them frequently. But we were all sports junkies - high on the sarcasm, low on the tolerance scale. It certainly shaped who I was coming in to college.

College Here I come!

At and around Calvin, I got to appreciate the finer art of having different kinds of friends (even friends that were girls!!). I loved every second of it. Granted, it took me a few months to get comfortable around people that didn't think exactly like I did, but man, what an experience. Everything at Calvin was up for debate. I grew a lot because of it, and I feel I'm more tolerant and open to discussion on my viewpoints now.

Crossroads Bible

As important was being able to grow within an inspiring church in Grand Rapids. I felt like I was on a Bible retreat for that hour and a half every Sunday morning, and it got me fired up every week. There is no doubt that I will miss Crossroads a ton. Look for big things out of them! They are on fire and are doing things right. I have no doubt that God will bless that congregation and all the great things they are doing. I'll keep listening online!


All the way through Calvin, I really had no idea what God wanted me to do with my life. The Business degree was an easy choice, because, essentially, it wasn't making a choice at all. But through my experiences in the last year, and some timely encounters with some insightful individuals, I feel like I have the best grasp on what I want to do with my life that I ever have.

Perhaps this is just me being optimistic (a rarity, I know :). But leaving the Midwest for "greener" pastures just seemed right. And I can't thank my supporting cast enough for giving me the go ahead to try to pull it off. Never have I felt so much support from friends and families for making such a risky decision. And that makes me feel great. Thank you all for being a great safety net, and I will continue to look to you for your insights and thoughts.

Take care and God Bless! From backwoods Tennessee :)


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fall in Michigan

It has been a relaxing and fun fall for me. Some fall colors, as well as a beautiful sunset over Lake Michigan in mid-October. God is good!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

What does a life of Following God's lead look like?

Salvation - Spiritual Resume vs. Just Jesus

I'll admit, I'm a bit of a list maker. Although my apartment isn't spick and span, I do things in a very unflowing manner. I have a rotation of tshirts that I go through. That's right, I don't pick my next shirt, the shirt I wear is whatever is next in the rotation. I don't clean the dishes or the kitchen until it is done; I clean the kitchen for 10 minutes and stop, regardless of where I am at. So for me, having a checklist of things to do is comfortable, and just feels right.

So how does this seep into my faith? Easy - every part of me just wants to put down a checklist of things that I should or shouldn't do, and just follow it. Yep, got in my 2 chapters of reading the Bible in. Read a little John Ortberg. Good, I even prayed for awhile. Looks like I was a good Christian today.

That's why the sermon today hit me so hard - My salvation is not based on "Jesus + a "spiritual resume," it's just based on Jesus. There is nothing - literally NOTHING - that I can do that is righteous enough to deserve anything in the kingdom of heaven. It's all just rubbish. I know it, but I don't live it. I still go to bed thinking, "Did I do enough today to justify a life worthy of Christ?" and go down my checklist.

So where do I go from here? What does a life of just following after God look like? I know devotionals are still a good thing, but being so structured? Maybe not. I know I'm not pushing myself enough - I want to do continue to do things that are comfortable. That's why I am still in Grand Rapids. That's part of the reason I am helping out the golf team this year. These are things I enjoy, and they are comfortable.

So on days like this, where I literally have nothing to do from 2 to 6, I am not sure what I should do. I think I should be helping somebody. I KNOW I should be job hunting. But I'd rather mess around on facebook, or look at various sports sites.

Feel free to comment. Because I'm not sure how to go from here. I just know it's not the same way I've been doing things.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Times are a changing

It's been a busy few weeks...To say the least. And decisions which I felt were made were reversed, but I'm happy to say that I am confident that the right decisions have been made. This blog may be a little me-centered, but that's what blogs are all about right? :) I feel a little narcissistic.

(I wrote the beginning of this blog before the sermon I heard today about humility. Lovely.)


For quite a while now, it has been a dream of mine (and a buddy of mine) to just move south towards North Carolina and set up shop there after we graduated from Calvin. The idea never really had real support - we just kept plowing along sending out resumes and hoping for the best. And as we both plugged along (in different states over the summer), something interesting things began to happen. I received a job offer to stay in Grand Rapids, and I was excited. However, the more I thought about the offer, the more I felt like it was settling. Settling for something not in an area of passion. Settling for something different than what God has called me to do. So I took a bold step, that I'm not sure I would have taken even a few years ago. I turned it down. And I will continue to look.

In the meantime, I will be working at a local private country club in Grand Rapids. Nothing glamorous, that's for sure, but it's in an area of passion. I figure at the least I'll learn something, and figure out if that's an area I could see myself being in for a career. That gives me a little time to work things out.

My friend, however, did land a job...down in Tennessee. So as I continue to look for a job (likely outside of Michigan), a new focus in the Chattanooga area will begin. I don't know if I'll end up there, but it sure would be nice to see our dream fulfilled (albeit on the wrong side of the Appalachians:).


As soon as I got comfortable with my decision, I found out I would need to find a place for the next few months. Could be an interesting time in my life, but I'm excited for the possibilities.


Hard to talk about, right? Crossroads has just been hammering this point home, and I believe it needs to start sticking in me. Something to consider, that my Pastor Rod said today.

"Humility isn't thinking more of yourself, or less of yourself. It's just thinking about yourself a whole lot less."

He continued by pointing out that our gaze should be fixed on Christ, rather than on ourselves in the mirror. This is tough stuff for me. After all, I am a blogger, right? I want people to read what I have to say, or care about the opinions I have on issues. But is it really edifying in some way? Is anyone really benefiting from what I'm doing? Granted, I could be doing something less productive (like watching Mad Men like crazy - oh wait - I'm already doing that). Is this -along with facebook, or twitter, or anything else - just a colossal "LOOK AT ME, I'M IMPORTANT!" I'm afraid I know the answer, and I don't like it.

(but I'll probably still check out the analytics on this post to see if anyone read my important stuff - ugh)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Up in the Air

As day after day passes, my future becomes more and more at the forefront of my mind. So on this gloomy Michigan day, I come to you somehow content and at peace with where I am at, and wherever I may end up.

Needed and Glorious Distractions

You may know me well, or not so well at all. What is clear everyday is that God knows me SO well.

I'm a person who always loves to be in control. The people close to me know this about me, and either live with it or appreciate it (probably more the former than the latter). So when I come up against a time of uncertainty, I get REALLY flustered. My heart beats a little faster, and I'm uncomfortable.

Come August 20, I have no idea where I will be. Will I stay in Grand Rapids for a little bit? Will I stay here for a long time? Will I fulfill my 2-year pursuit of moving to the Carolinas? I honestly have no idea. But this I know - if I was allowed to think about this nonstop, I WOULD. So I thank God for needed and glorious distractions.

I've been so blessed this summer to live with one of my best friends. Together we always find something to do. I've yet to feel this comfortable living away from home. And for that, I thank you Paul. Your presence has given me a steady and needed influence this summer.

To friends and friends of friends - Thank you for continuing to be a part of my life! Last weekend, I was 'distracted' by a friend coming up from Indiana. Next week, Luke comes back to Grand Rapids for close to a week! Can't wait for it.

And through it all, I can sense that God is just keeping me sane. He knows me better than anyone, and He has given me the distractions I've needed to enjoy the summer in all of its glory. And for that, I thank Him.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Blessings - Friends

I know these kind of posts are repetitive and boring; everyone is saying how blessed they are with their friends and all, but I guess I feel the need to pile on.

After what I felt was a relatively stagnant year Junior year, I was a little worried about a boring senior year with little to no differences in my relationships. But God just blew me away. I felt so blessed, because not only did my faithful friends stick around through my senior year, but I met as many people as I did freshman year. So thanks to all of you friends, whether I've known you since freshman year, or for a couple months. And Glory to God most of all, because just when I started to feel like my life was beginning to get stale, He gave me more blessings in friends than I ever could have imagined.

I'll be truthful, I'm leaving Calvin with less than a great handle on business (my major). While I've learned quite a bit at Calvin, I can almost guarantee the friends and connections that I have made at Calvin will be so much more impactful on my life than anything i read in a textbook or heard in a lecture. That liberal arts education is good and all, but the quality people you meet in droves at Calvin is really the difference maker in my opinion.

I'm not one to be all reflective, but at my very last Loft this evening I was completely struck by the friends God has placed in my life. I honestly about broke down an cried (not much for that either) What more could I ask for? I have such a great group of reliable, close friends that I lean on for advice on projects, girls, jobs. I can tell half the time they'd rather have me just shut up, but they always listen all the way through, and give me their two-cents worth. These kind of relationships are few and far between, especially with people as opinionated as me. But my friends aren't afraid to speak their mind to me, and for that I'm grateful.

To those people I have met this semester, I am so blessed to have you spice up my life. You don't know how many times I said junior year that I wanted to hang out with new people, and there you were. Most of these stemmed from my trip to the Galapagos, where God showed me his creation in a way I never thought possible. For most of you, I hope we can get to know each other even more over the summer. It's been a blast.

As I wind up my collegiate career, I just praise God for the BEST FRIENDS ANYONE COULD ASK FOR!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Jeremiah 1:7 – “Do not say, I am only a child. You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you.”

I have always felt a little bad for Jeremiah. Why does he get stuck with being the bearer of bad news constantly for God? Everybody from his generation hates him. What is amazing to me is that Jeremiah never falters (at least that’s what I recall). He “approval” rating is probably 5% in Israel at the time. But he doesn’t care. He just keeps on doing what God has told him to do.

That kind of direction and purpose had a to be a somewhat invigorating feeling for Jeremiah. I hope that feeling comes to me, and soon. Here I am, with a month to go before graduating from college, and I still don’t’ feel like I have that direction in life. Where is God leading me? What people is he leading me to be with? Will he provide the funds necessary to make due if I go it alone out there? Big questions that I frankly don’t have an answer for.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am blessed beyond belief. I have no student loans, I’ve got a job for the summer that is going to be a growing and awesome experience. I’ve got some of the most solid friends I could ask for. But that close-knit relationship with God? It just seems sort of unattainable now.

On my spring break, we talked about Mother Theresa. In her journals, she consistently lamented the fact that God was so far away from her; she never really felt his presence in her life. She felt marooned and isolated.

Talk about depressing. How can someone that is going after God that hard not feel His presence? But at the same time, that gives me a kind of strength. If Mother Theresa was never feeling God’s presence and was able to accomplish all that she did, I certainly can’t complain with all the blessings he’s bestowed on me.

SPORTS! - In honor of Jess Hendriksma

God has even granted me some simple joys in life, including new friendships and success for my favorite sports team. I think God enjoys making us happy in little things like that. The pleasure we get out of things like sports are just a tiny taste of what we will get later. But I’ll break down my team, the Bucks, a little more in depth.

The Bucks - same shit, different year.

Pardon my french, but this was disappointing for me. The Bucks had been playing so well that they were actually giving me some hope about a possible first round victory against the likes of the Celtics or Hawks. I got to watch their game against the Suns when I was home - and witnessed live the horrifying demise of Andrew's right arm. It was hideous; and it's just one more reason I don't like Amare.

What's left now? I'll break down what needs to happen for the Bucks to have a chance against the Hawks, who appear to be their first round matchup.

Steady Salmons - Contrary to popular belief, John Salmons has to continue his consistent production. I can't really ask much more from him than about 22 ppg. I don't want him to score anymore than that, because it will kill the ball movement that has made the Bucks such a big success.

Juggernaut Jennings - Brandon, on the other hand, needs to return to early season form. I don't see the Bucks pulling off a victory unless Jennings shoots 45% for the series, and averages at least 18 ppg. His assist numbers are important too, but Jennings' has to have the swagger to knock down shots off the pick and roll, because if he's shooting his typical 37%, the Bucks have no shot.

Draino Delfino - Delfino needs to come in with an average of 3 three's a night for the Bucks to be successful, as well as crash the boards in the absence of Bogut. If he averages 14 and 7 a game, I'd be real happy.

Krafty Kurt - Kurt Thomas needs to bust some skulls and average 10 boards a game. If he can get in Horford's head and limit him, it would be a huge help.

The Ersanator combined with Turk Nowitzki - This is the biggest leap. Ersan Ilyasova needs to play unbelievable well for the bucks to have a chance. He needs to be the energy guy that will grab four offensive boards a game, and also nail 2 daggers from deep a game. If Ersan doesn't average 14 and 8 for the series, they have no chance. He needs to match Josh Smith's production.

Persistent Prince - I don't need big numbers from you, but you need to keep Joe Johnson from ever scoring more than 25 a game. He's good and he's gonna get his, but making him take a lot of shots to get there is important.

My prediction? Hawks 4, Bucks 1. Bucks have to steal one game for the home crowd.

All you wanted to know about the Bucks and my life issues. Until next time....

Thursday, February 4, 2010

After perhaps the best month in my life, where I journaled consistently, I feel compelled to write on a daily basis about life and what God has done for me. Perhaps not everything will get published in a blog, because some things are better said between you and God, and some things need to be hashed out with friends, but Regardless, I feel great about doing this, and setting a new tone for this year, growing off the experience I have had in the Galapagos and Ecuador for the past month.

· February 3, 2010 – Isaiah 45:2 – “I will go out before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.”

  • I like me some basketball analogies, and after reading Bill Simmons gushing over Moses Malone and how he went after rebounds with reckless abandon, this is how I am picturing God at the moment. I am at the top of the so-called spiritual mountain, I have seen some spectacular things. God has come through for me in so many ways in the past month it is unfathomable. And to me, this verse just personifies (which doesn’t work when describing God, but you get it) what is going on in my life. He’s just blazing a trail for me in life, and it feels great. I know I will come down off this mountain at some point, probably even soon, but right now I’m just trying to soak it in and appreciate it.

· February 4, 2010 – Oswald Chambers – Nov 30 – “There is only one relationship that really matters, and that is your personal relationship to your personal Redeemer and Lord.”

  • It is tough to look at this verse, because there is part of me that is always looking into what my actions look like from other’s perspective. Maybe God wants me to let that go a little, so I can go hard after Him instead.
  • I’m beginning to come off the mountain a little bit. My car won’t start, and I got to find a mechanic now to fix the issue. I’m beginning to tell the same story too many times. I just have to keep looking through the pictures to remind myself how blessed I was, and use it in my semester as fuel.

· February 5, 2010 – Proverbs 24:26 – “An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.”

  • Maybe this verse stuck out to me because it is an easy one for me to follow. I think God still wants me to use tact in my conversations, but not necessarily always hold my tongue.

On to more secular things.

At some point, when I figure out how, I will try to post some pictures on here from my trip to the Galapagos and Ecuador. But since most of you that follow me know about my trip already, I'll go to all the things you don't want to know but I want to tell you about.

Books over the last 2 months

  • The Alchemist - A good book, short, but interesting. A little different feel than I am used to, but it was a good change of pace from the usual.
  • Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis) - I read this book when I was 17, and most of the stuff just went straight over my head, as much as I don't like to admit it. I was in a different place, and had little patience for C.S. Lewis' philosophical words and writing. I never even finished it the first time and what a shame, because the second half of the book is the best. I am continually amazed at how humbled you can be by C.S. Lewis' writings. Probably one of the main points I took away from the book is how silly comparing yourself to others is. God has given us each different temperaments and abilities. Just because you are a 'nicer' person than some crab down the street, doesn't mean that God looks at you with any more favor. If God has given you an even temperament and optimistic outlook, don't pat yourself on the back and take credit for what God has given you. Go out and do something with it. For whom much is given, much is expected I believe the bible says somewhere.
  • The Appeal (John Grisham) - This was my first John Grisham book, and I would have to say, I wasn't overly impressed. It's easy reading, don't get me wrong. But there weren't many twists. I'll give him another shot, but I am underwhelmed thus far by his writing.
  • Black Angel (John Connelly) - In process - I'm about half way through this book now, and I got to find another copy. Really interesting thriller book. I would recommend it thus far.
  • The Book of Basketball (Bill Simmons) - In process - This book has been everything I was hoping for. I feel like I have a great background for the game that I love now, and have a better understanding of the pros that made the game the way it is today, and the teams that were the best of the best. I even have learned a little about my '71 Bucks. You'll like this book if you really, really love the NBA. If not, you'll probably find it all a bit boring.
More to come on my sports teams and such later on. It's too late now to keep on keeping on. Sorry for the delay for any of those who still look to read this thing.